Recently, he has turned his attention to Da’wah through the mainstream media and his recordings. The three schools he founded in Londons Brent district were Islamia Primary, Islamia Girls’ Secondary and the Brondesbury College for Boys consistently top the boroughs examination league tables. Yusuf Islam efforts helped secure the British government’s first-time support for Muslim Schools. Yusuf Islam recognized internationally due to his groundbreaking work in education and humanitarian relief. He was the Artists and Producer of those Nasheeds as Well. He also starts Singing English Islamic Nasheeds. One of the world’s most famous converts, he embraced Islam in 1977 and went on to become an energetic supporter of Islamic education, Yusuf Islam was the founder of Muslim Aid and Small Kindness. Src=”” alt=”Yusuf Islam Nasheeds Songs”/> Yusuf Islam Nasheeds Songs